
                                          MINT-CORIANDER COOLER INGREDIENTS: Mint leaves – 1 Bunch Coriander – 1 Bunch Fresh lime – 1 Nannari syrup (Indian Sarsaparilla/ Shariba) – 2-3 teaspoons  (Check out my blog on an easy method to prepare Nannari syrup) Mint leaves- It is a calming and soothing herb that is rich in anti-oxidants. Coriander leaves- It is a cooling herb that is a rich source of Vitamin C, Vitamin K and other minerals. Lime- It is refreshing, rich in Vitamin C, helps balance pH levels and detoxify. Nannari root- It is a great body coolant, blood purifier and helps prevent Urinary tract infections. PREPARATION: 1.        Clean fresh mint and coriander leaves. 2.        Add equal quantity of the leaves and into a blender 3.    ...

Preparation of Nannari Syrup

                                        PREPARATION OF NANNARI SYRUP                                                            Nannari roots / Indian Sarsaparilla is a fantastic summer coolant. Its cooling medicinal properties help prevent most common summer ailments.  It helps balance all three doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) thus making it perfect for everyone to use. It is an effective blood purifier, helps relieve thirst, burning sensation, urinary tract infections, constipation, acidity, etc. AYURVEDIC RASA PANCHAKA Rasa (taste) – Sweet, Bitter Guna- Heavy, unctuous Virya- Cooling Vipaka- Sweet Effect on Dosha- Balances all the doshas INGREDIENTS: 1.   ...